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San Francisco and the Golden Gate Bridge

Day 4

sunny 11 °C
View USA 2016/17 on vansantjordan's travel map.

Even though we were supposed to be exploring Yosemite National Park today, we still thoroughly enjoyed what we did. We had a little bit of a slower morning before making the drive back to the city.
It was about a 3 hour drive, avoiding toll roads. We had to go past Walmart again to return our snow chains and get our money back!! As we didn't get into the city till about 2:30pm, we decided we would got the the Presidio National Park and do a walk around to the Golden Gate Bridge. It was quite nerve racking driving into the city with our big car and trying to find a park. The walk was really nice, and the bridge was amazing. The weather was great today, albeit windy. This made for great views across to the city and around the whole bay.
It was a great way to see the bridge and explore the park that is so close to the city. We then drove back into the city and found our hotel to drop off our bags. We were staying at the Grant Plaza Hotel, which is in china town. It was a very nice and comfortable hotel, and cheap for San Francisco. We then had to try drive through the city again and out to the airport. It was about 5:30pm by this time, on a Friday afternoon, so traffic was pretty heavy. It was quite stressful at some points, but we got there in the end. We dropped the car off, then took the train back to town. By now, it was 8pm and we hadn't had lunch or dinner, so we were very hungry. We had a wonder around China town. I don't know if it was because we were looking in the wrong place, or if we were too late, but it was pretty dead. We ended up finding an asian vegetarian place that looked pretty nice. The food was alright. I think Thomas enjoyed it more than I did. It had been a very long day, and by this time we were more than ready for bed!!

Posted by vansantjordan 17:22 Archived in USA Tagged sanfrancisco holiday usa amazing goldengatebridge

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The weather may not have been great at Yosemite but you sure had good weather in San Francisco. Sea mist is common in San Francisco, so to get a clear blue sky day like you got is amazing.

by Richard

Yeah, the weather in San Francisco all three days was amazing!!

by vansantjordan

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